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eBook: Protect What Matters

Committing to and achieving your sustainability goals is an all-hands-on-deck effort. It starts with ensuring your company’s key stakeholders have the knowledge and resources necessary to identify improvement opportunities and create an action plan to capitalize on them.

In This eBook

In a study spanning three major industries, Pregis® discovered a disconnect between many companies' sustainability goals and what they understand “sustainability” to mean.

Improve your approach to sustainability, improve your business.

According to the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC), sustainable packaging should be beneficial, safe, and healthy for individuals, communities, and the environment throughout its life cycle.

Are you meeting the SPC's standards?

Environmental Impact is Top-of-Mind

The results of our study show that companies like yours understand the effects of packaging and fulfillment operations on the planet.

For the most part, you’ve already begun to implement change toward increasing sustainability and decreasing your carbon footprint.

88.jpg Ensuring packaging is sustainably and responsibly sourced
87.jpg Reducing the overall use of packaging
82.jpg Supporting a circular economy wherein packaging is recycled and reused
78.jpg Diverting package wastefrom landfills
50.jpg Achieving net zero carbon emissions/utilizing renewable resources


The Numbers Aren’t Adding Up

When we look at top companies’ sustainability implementation strategies, we start to see where things are going wrong.

Big Disparity, Big Opportunity

There’s a big opportunity in the gap between these percentages. According to another study conducted by Package Insight, around 80% of consumers rank product protection as the most important characteristic of fulfillment packaging.

But when you look inside the package, you’ll see its not just consumers losing out.

In this ebook, you’ll discover:

  1. How companies and consumers define sustainability today
  2. The impact of damage on the environment and your bottom line
  3. Practical guidance to make better packaging decisions

Use the form on the right side of this page to download the full eBook.

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